A Fight Between Diamond Made Naturally Or In A Lab

By Seo Team | May 29, 2018 | Tag: Lab Created Diamonds

The battle between lab-created diamonds and natural diamonds are prevailing from the day diamonds are created in the laboratory. Will you like to participate in this fight? Or you can’t even decide which one to prefer, which one to be with. Well, in that case, it is better to look for their difference initially as most of you are still unaware of the basic facts about lab-grown diamonds. Most of you have a misconception, that lab-grown diamonds are fake diamonds and you end up referring them as duplicate diamonds, or diamond simulants. This is where you all go wrong. This blog is basically for you people who are preparing their mind for real diamonds and refuse to go with lab-created diamonds. Well, we are not compelling you to go with lab-grown diamonds. We simply don’t have any right to do so. But what we can, is to make you aware of the differences between the two. Once you are aware of all the features, you itself will be able to decide, which one to prefer the most.

So, let us check out is there really any difference between lab-created diamonds and natural diamonds?


Let Us Start With Their Origin.

Natural diamonds as the name suggest, are formed naturally under earth’s crust. The diamonds that are mined today, take over billions of years to grow. These are formed when the pure carbon undergoes very high temperature and pressure, under the Earth’s mantle. This gives rise to Organic diamonds, or the popular natural diamonds and is brought above the earth’s surface either by mining or naturally through violent volcanic eruptions. According to science, it only forms in the Diamond Stability Zone and under 2200 degrees Fahrenheit. That is the reason why Diamonds are said to be the most stable form of carbon.

In contrast to this, lab-grown diamonds are man-made and are formed in the laboratory under the supervision of the gemologists. In order to make these diamonds identical to organic diamonds, they are grown under high pressure and high temperature. Basically, two fundamental methods are used to create these diamonds. They are: either chemical vapor deposition(CVD) process or high-pressure-high temperature(HPHT) process. However, CVD method has ruled over HPHT process, in today’s date. To know in details check out the blog how lab-created or Synthetic diamonds are made. Though lab-grown diamonds are named as ‘synthetic diamonds’, they are not technically synthetic diamonds. This is because the man-made diamonds possess the identical physical and chemical composition as that of the real mined diamonds. They hold the same fire, scintillation and same optical properties as organic diamonds.

Are Man-Made Diamonds Devoid Of Flaws?

By the term ‘flaws’ we mean to say, the number of inclusions present in the diamonds. Whether it is organic or synthetic, diamonds definitely have inclusions. Some have few and some have many. Depending on such inclusions, the clarity of a diamond is determined. More the flaws, less the clarity and vice-versa. For both lab-grown and natural diamonds, clarity grades are assigned by the GIA or AGS labs.

In case of lab-grown diamonds, metallic inclusions occur as a molten metal solution is used to grow such diamonds. These are basically identified with 10x magnification. However, natural diamonds are devoid of such metallic inclusions. Moreover, hardly such organic diamonds are found, which are devoid of inclusions like feathers, crystals, pinpoints, and clouds.

Differences In Colors

Unlike organic diamonds, lab-created diamonds have multiple shades – white, yellow, pink, red, blue, green, and all other shades ranging from K to D grades. CVD grown diamonds are basically brown in color and are decolorized in order to make them colorless and near colorless. Whereas, most of the organic diamonds are naturally colorless and some of them due to impurities have yellow and blue hues.

Therefore, if you are interested to put on a variety of shades, then man-made new dawn diamonds can give you the flexibility.

What About The Grades?

Both lab-grown diamonds and real diamonds are graded from GIA labs, but both in a different way. In case of man-made diamonds, the GIA issues a Synthetic Diamond Grading Report. This report represents the color zoning, metallic inclusions, weak strain patterns and colors of ultraviolet fluorescence, in order to distinguish them from the real diamonds.

Hope now you have understood that lab-created diamonds are far different from the Diamonds simulants. Duplicate diamonds only look identical to real mined diamonds, and fail to possess any other properties of organic diamonds. But the man-made diamonds give you every possible feature at a less expensive rate. So, which side will you take? Be wise to decide it.

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Lab-Grown New Dawn Diamonds or Mined Diamonds

10 Unknown Facts About Lab Created Diamonds.

By Seo Team | May 23, 2018 | Tag: Lab Created Diamonds

Most of you beat a retreat, whenever you hear the phrase ‘lab-created diamond’. You feel that the dazzling stones are not the original diamonds, rather they are just an imitation of those. Are you the one among such buyers? If yes, then you must be unaware of the facts related to lab-created diamonds. In this blog, we have come up with 10 exciting unknown facts about these lab-grown diamonds. After going through it, you will realize what a mess you have done on refusing to buy such diamonds.

Are you ready to check out the points? Great! let us have look.

1. Not duplicate diamonds:

Lab-grown diamonds are not at all duplicate diamonds, rather they are 100% identical to mined diamonds. Surprised? You should be. If you are the one who generally avoids taking risks of buying such lab-created diamonds, then you must read this point at least twice. For your sake let us clear this out, that the definition of duplicate diamonds begins with Cubic Zirconia or Moissanite. Such imitations look exactly the same as that of the mined diamonds, but do not possess any characteristics of natural diamonds. Whereas, these lab-grown diamonds possess the same physical as well as chemical composition as that of real mined diamonds. Thus they achieve the same dazzling sparkle and luster.

2. Certified diamonds:

This particular point has been taken up to prove the previous fact. No one, including you, will believe that the diamonds which are formed in the laboratory are 100% identical to the mined diamonds, unless you are provided with a certificate. Well, to ensure all the buyers, these lab-grown diamonds are certified from the GIA labs. This means that the diamonds though formed in the laboratory are completely natural in all respect. Therefore to confirm it, the certificate is provided to every potential buyer along with their purchase.

3. Graded just as mined diamonds:

You will be surprised to know that the Lab-grown diamonds which once you have rejected just by assuming it as imitation stones, are graded by the Gemological labs using the same four C’s that the real mined diamonds use. By the term Gemological labs we mean to refer the International Gemological Insititute, that we have already mentioned in our previous point. These abide by every government rule before disclosure of lab-grown diamonds. Therefore, the same quality graded diamonds with four c’s- colour, carat, cut and clarity can be obtained in lab-grown diamonds.

4. Created under CVD or HPHT process:

You must be knowing that the original mined diamonds are formed under the Earth’s crust under extreme pressure and temperature. The diamonds which are mined today, are formed billions of years ago. Just to maintain the process and make sure that the lab-grown diamonds have all the aspects of natural mined diamonds, these diamonds are created under Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) or High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) process. However, the CVD process is highly appreciated if compared to the HPHT method. Are you excited to know this in details? It is better if you go through our blog that speaks how lab-created diamonds are made.

5. High Tech Miracle:

Have you ever thought that Lab-grown diamonds can be a high tech miracle? Yes, patented processes and proprietary equipments are used to bring out the miracle. No doubt, a diamond seed is used to form such an intimate diamond. Initially a rough diamond crystal grows and eventually the dazzling stone is created having all identical properties. Since real diamond is considered to be the hardest substance, its chemical, electrical, thermal and optical properties are adapted after a whole long process is done.

6. Eco-friendly diamonds:

The Lab-certified diamonds or the New dawn diamonds are considered as the eco-friendly diamonds. You must be thinking – how a diamond can be eco-friendly. Right? Yes, everything is possible if diamonds are lab-created. This is because, lab created diamonds won’t disturb a single amount of earth during its creation. Whereas, to mine natural diamonds a large amount of Earth is been removed. Are you an eco-friendly person? Well, in that case you have missed such an amazing product.

7. Sustainable Resource:

Even though the real diamonds are hardly found in nature, the demand for purchasing diamonds are gradually increasing day by day. Do you think the needs of all the potential buyers are not being fulfilled? The supply of mined diamonds may get reduced, development of huge mines get reduced, but not the needs of people. Such gap is filled by these New Dwan diamonds. As these diamonds are formed in the laboratory, there will be no such case that the resource will decline with time. In fact, these restore the Earth’s natural resources.

8. Everlasting diamonds:

You must have known that diamonds are everlasting. But most of you hesitate to buy these lab grown diamonds as you are not aware of their lifespan. But like natural diamonds, New Dawn diamonds are also termed as eternal diamonds, as their lifespan is for eternity.

9. Guaranteed Origin:

The only difference that lies between natural diamonds and lab-certified diamonds is in their origin. Natural diamonds as you all know are formed naturally under the Earth’s crust, whereas these diamonds are created in the laboratory. Therefore, since you are aware of the fact where these diamonds were born, you can remain sure about their source. You don’t have to hover around. All these will be crafted on the lab certificate.

10. Less-expensive:

Last but not the least, Lab-grown diamonds costs comparatively less than real mined diamonds. Yes, it is not a joke. But you can get your desired diamond at a pocket-friendly rate. This is just because the diamonds are created in the labs and in a mass. Yes, identical mined diamonds at a reasonable rate. Isn’t it amazing? Stop imagining. And reach the destination where you had said ‘no’ to the lab-created diamonds.

Hope these facts have changed your perspective regarding lab-certified diamonds. If this is the case, what are you waiting for? Look for a suitable diamond dealer and check out your wedding ring, engagement ring or any other diamond studded jewelries based on such diamonds.

Chicago-The Best Destination to Buy Wedding Ring Why?

By Seo Team | May 16, 2018 | Tag: Lab Created Diamonds

So, are you looking for an exclusive collection of wedding rings? Why shouldn’t you explore the rings of Chicago? Chicago has an awesome breathtaking collection, which you hardly find it anywhere else. Chicago is ready to serve all your desire, whether it is wedding or engagement rings, wedding bands, pendants, earrings, or any other diamond products. But why we are emphasizing on Chicago, why not somewhere else. Obviously, it has some reason behind this. Excited to know it? Hold on tight. Because this is something beyond your imagination.

1. Multiple stores, multiple collections:

What you normally do while purchasing a diamond jewelry, is to move to a store directly, check out the collection available there and may be forced to purchase a product that doesn’t meet your desire. But Chicago’s Diamond district gives you options after options. The Mallers Building residing there is a bank of 190 jewelers representing 33 countries. Have you ever thought of uncountable options for a single demand? Yes, no matter whether it is your diamond wedding ring or engagement ring, you will be able to be the witness of breathtaking collections. Just imagine ‘collection’ itself is a collective noun, then how will you define ‘collections’? The diamond district or namely Historic Jewelers Row has an array of diamond jewelers ranging from small traders to popular diamond outlets.

2. Wholesale diamond retailers:

Diamonds at a wholesale rate, isn’t it amazing? Yes, Chicago’s diamond stores offer diamond products at a pocket-friendly rate. What if you made a budget for your wedding ring and get a chance to buy a heart-shaped diamond pendant too? Will you not take this opportunity? Every diamond trader residing at this posh area sells diamonds at a wholesale rate. No matter whatever may be your desire, you will not have to lend money from your friends or relatives.

3. Lab-created diamonds:

You must be in thought, how diamonds can be obtained at a pocket-friendly rate. All your confusions will be cleared at this point. Chicago, the third most populated city of United States is all about lab-created diamonds or new dawn diamonds. And that is the reason why every tourist traveling there makes out time from their busy schedule, to check out the dazzling diamond collection and buys one if desired. Now, since the name suggest lab-created, don’t confuse these with duplicate diamonds. These may not be formed within the earth’s crust, but are 100% identical to natural diamonds, both in physical as well as chemical compositions. Moreover, natural mined diamonds are always colourless, but you can get blue, pink, green, yellow and different other shades in such diamonds. Want a pink heart-shaped diamond wedding ring for your love? Yes, this is available in every diamond store in Chicago.

4. Customization available within three days:

Want to customize a wedding ring, but you have only three days in hand? Normally, this is impossible. But the diamond stores in Chicago observes this term ‘impossible’ as ‘i m possible’. Yes, Chicago’s diamond outlets give you the flexibility to buy custom-made diamond within three days, no matter whether it is your wedding ring or wedding band or any other diamond studded jewelry. If you are failed to bring out the best from the collections or have decided to design your own ring, then Historic Jewelers Row and the Jewelers Center can prove to be the best for you. What do you need to do? Just pick up the type of diamond you want to use for your ring, and share your ideas and concepts to them. The professional craftsmen will bring down the exact what you desire.

5. Free valet parking service:

Free valet parking at the posh area of Chicago, isn’t it just an icing on the cake? What you won’t get anywhere you will get here in Chicago. Though there are a very few stores available that can give you this flexibility, still you can get this opportunity if you have a research from beforehand. Just imagine, you are willing to shop a diamond wedding ring in Chicago, and you don’t have to think of parking your car. Such a hassle-free shopping can only be enjoyed in the diamond district of Chicago.

6. Personal Assistance:

Everyone wants to get the best out of the collection, including you. Isn’t it? Personal assistance residing at every diamond store in Chicago is there to assist every customer to get the best from the collection or design the best for them. Normally, when you are shopping a diamond product, you may be bound to buy the one that doesn’t meet your requirement. But in Chicago, if you are looking for a wedding ring, then you can’t help yourself designating as a happy customer. The personal assistance there serve you personally and helps you to get the best for your love.

7. Certified diamonds:

In most of the cases, you may be bound to think whether your diamond is the real one or not. But you don’t have to think of it when you are purchasing diamonds from Chicago. This is because of the certified diamonds. Yes, we have already discussed with you about the lab-created diamonds in our previous points. These diamonds are certified from GIA labs and the jeweler is bound to give you the certificate along with your product. This certificate is the symbol that your diamond is original and possesses all such characteristics of a natural diamond. Will you go for any other diamonds leaving the certified diamonds behind?

Hope now you have concluded that Chicago means diamonds and diamonds mean it has to be from Chicago. But before planning to check out the collection, you must go through the different types of engagement or wedding rings feasible in the market. This will help you to make your desire and look for it accordingly.

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Reasons to buy Engagement Ring from Chicago

How To Buy Lab-Created Diamonds In Chicago

By Seo Team | May 12, 2018 | Tag: Lab Created Diamonds

Are you hunting for something special to gift your love? Then you should look for diamonds. But why diamonds? Because diamonds act as the symbol of love, extensive care and commitment. They might be expensive but definitely not a worthless investment. Now the question is, from where to buy diamonds? Diamonds and Chicago has an adorable relationship. When it comes to diamonds, Chicago has to be the priority and vice versa. But why? To know why we refer Chicago to buy diamonds, just click on the said link and go through our blog.

So are you ready to buy diamonds from Chicago? That is a brilliant decision. Chicago has a wonderful collection of diamonds at a less expensive rate. But that doesn’t mean you can rely on every jeweler to make your desire. There are certain measures you need to follow so as to buy diamonds in Chicago. Don’t panic. It’s not as difficult as you are thinking. In this blog, we will try to help you out by sharing with you the obvious measures.

1. Research on Jeweler:

No matter whether you are buying diamonds from Chicago, or any other place, you have to check out the details of the jewelers at the initial stage, before trusting on them. Now when the question comes to Chicago, then you have to be furthermore aware of this point. But why? Is this because a majority of the jewelers are fraud? Well, that is not the case. Chicago’s Historic Jewelers Row is the residence of multiple numbers of jewelers ranging from branded traders to local small wholesalers. For example, the Maller’s Building at the Jewelers Center is comprised of 190 jewelers from 33 different countries. So if you straight away visit there, you will only be in trouble. Therefore, it is better to summarize which diamond stores you need to visit and which can be avoided.

2. Save money using lab-created diamonds:

Have you heard of lab-grown New Dawn diamonds? These are the lab-created diamonds that are formed under CVD or HPHT process in the laboratory and thus possess the identical characteristics of a real mined diamond. What if you get diamonds at a wholesale rate? These diamonds are formed in a huge mass, and so can be easily purchased at a pocket-friendly rate. Everyone wants to save their pocket for future investment, including you. Thus we will recommend, look for lab-grown diamonds instead of natural diamonds and bring a diamond smile on her face.

3. Look for certified diamonds:

In the previous option, we have asked you to spend less and buy lab-created diamonds. But how will you trust them? For this, it is mandatory to get a GIA lab certificate for those diamonds from the specified jewelers. Yes, every lab-grown diamonds are lab certified, thus giving you the guaranty that these diamonds though created in the labs but retains the same physical characteristics as well as chemical composition.

4. Ask for Personal Assistance:

Diamonds in Chicago are plenty and their creations are breathtaking. Natural diamonds are normally colourless, but these lab-grown diamonds have different varieties of shades and shapes. With time you may become confused what to buy and what not. For this, you should look for those jewelers who can serve you with personal assistance. He will not only pick up the best for you from the selection, but also if you want to go for custom-made diamond jewelry, he will assist you to create the best one for your love.

5. Undergo certain tests:

There are plenty of duplicate diamonds available in the market, that looks identical to the mined diamonds. To make sure what you are purchasing you should perform some tests to detect real diamond from the fake stones. The tests may include dot test, reflective test, fog test and so on. Are you interested to know about these in details? If so, then go through our article on Diamond tests: Fake or Real and gain some knowledge.

6. Look for free valet parking:

While scrolling down this point you may feel, how parking facility can be related to diamonds’ purchase. Don’t be surprised. Since we are talking about the posh area of Historic Jewelers Row to purchase diamonds, it is indeed necessary to keep an eye on this point. Why so? While searching for jewelers in this area, you may find it difficult as well as expensive to park your car there and get your desired diamond. But if you browse carefully, you will discover some diamond stores who provide an exclusive facility of free valet parking. Check in these stores. This as a result, will make your shopping hassle-free and you can purchase your diamond in a relaxed mood.

Hope now this is clear to you what are the things you have to keep in mind while buying diamonds in Chicago. So what are waiting for? Move down to the Historic Jewelers Row, Chicago and be the witness of such an exclusive collection of diamonds, but make sure you are having quite a knowledge of diamonds. Otherwise, you can’t help yourself being cheated by some fraud jewelers.

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why are people liking lab-created diamonds

Custom-Made Diamond Ring- The Best Gift For Your First Wedding Night

By Seo Team | May 9, 2018 | Tag: Lab Created Diamonds

So, are you getting married? Congratulations to both of you. Hope all your plans are done for your wedding ceremony? And what about your wedding night gift? Is it ready or you are still browsing it? Wedding night is the moment to carve out time for each other and live your every moment. No doubt, you have definitely planned something special for your love. And what about the token of love, the special gift? Gifts can be plenty but there is one single gift that touches the heart. And a custom-made diamond ring can be considered as such gift.

Now the question is, why we have considered custom-made diamond ring as the best gift of your wedding night. Are you excited? ok. Let’s talk about it.

1. Reveals Creativity:

Is your ready-made diamond ring gives a platform to showcase your hidden talent? Never ever. But a custom-made diamond ring helps you to reveal your creativity, your talent, your sense of humor. It is a platform where you can easily proof your artistic nature. Remember, art is the creative way to showcase your romance. Thus it shows how romantic you are as a person. There are several diamond companies, who provide such a wonderful option of customizing a ring. You can easily get your ideas and thoughts penned down creatively by them.

2. Platform to express your love:

You may feel, diamond itself is the stone of love, so what is the use of wasting the time to design a customized diamond ring. Yes, we believe that a diamond is the symbol of love, but is there any harm to express more love? Certainly not. In fact, you should always have the zeal to do something better, or something that no one has done before. A custom-made diamond ring is such an option, where your love is overloaded, not only through the diamond but also through your creativity. This is because, you are framing your diamond ring keeping your love in the mind. Will you like to miss this opportunity to showcase your love? Probably not.

3. Flexible:

Most of the time, we do not feel good enough to buy a diamond ring, but still we are forced to buy, due to lack of options. This is certainly not the case of a custom-made diamond ring. Here you will get the flexibility to choose your design, style, settings as well as the diamond itself. Whatever the shape or shade of a diamond you like, you will get the opportunity to pick the diamond according to your desire. For this, you need to be aware of the different shapes of a diamond as well as its features. Are you aware of them? If not then read our blog to know the diamond cuts and the diamond shapes.

4. Unique:

Are you looking for something extraordinary for your love to make her day special? In that case, this custom-made diamond ring is an amazing option. As we have discussed with you in previous points, customizing a ring means creating your own ring according to your desire. The style, the pattern, the design, engraved on the ring is absolutely your choice. Therefore, the final output will simply be the reflection of your thoughts and concepts. Don’t you think it will be beyond others imagination? Thus making your diamond ring unique and exceptional.

5. Budget:

Now it’s the time to decide your budget. Hold on. Are you planning to enlarge your estimate? There is no need for it. In fact, if you want you can lower your budget too. That’s surprising, isn’t it? But it’s true. A custom-made diamond ring gives you the flexibility to recharge yourself, as your budget truly depends on your design, the diamond you choose and the settings you go for. Moreover, there are plenty of diamond stores who define themselves by lab-created diamonds or New Dawn diamonds. Though these diamonds are lab-created, they are not considered as duplicate diamonds. Are you excited to know 8 ways to lower your budget? If so, then click on the above link.

Isn’t it amazing? Moreover, customizing a diamond ring takes enough time and you need to have a patience to design your ring. And that is the reason why, most of you losing your patience, end up gifting a ready-made diamond ring from the store. Are you one among them? In that case, we will say, you are losing something extraordinary and failing to gift something marvelous to your love. No matter how great your ready-made ring is, with time it will lose its uniqueness as well as its value. But that not becomes a matter of concern, if it is customized.

So what are you waiting for? Wake up and get ready to get the best for your love.

Lab-Grown New Dawn Diamonds or Mined Diamonds

By Seo Team | April 28, 2018 | Tag: Lab Created Diamonds

Hey, have you heard about New Dawn diamonds, the latest creation of the gemologists? If yes, then definitely you are aware of the identical features of these diamonds with respect to the mined diamonds. Though these lab-grown New dawn diamonds are 100% identical to the natural diamonds in both physical and chemical characteristics, still most of you can’t make out whether purchasing these new dawn diamonds will be right or not.

There is a misconception of every buyer. You consider that man-made or lab-created things cannot be real and or trusted. Hearing the name, and focusing on the tagline ‘lab-grown’ you have decided that since these diamonds are man-made, they are duplicate diamonds. They are made only to cheat the buyers.

To clear out all your confusion and to solve your query, we have come out with this blog, where we are going to discuss why you should not ignore lab-grown diamonds, why you can trust them just like the mined diamonds, and why you can buy your diamond ring based on new dawn diamonds. So let’s start.

‘New dawn diamonds are definitely duplicate diamonds’- If you are thinking so you are completely on the wrong track. Since these diamonds are lab-created, it doesn’t mean that they are duplicate. Unlike duplicate diamonds like moissanite, cubic zirconia, new dawn diamonds possess all the features of a mined diamond. They are graded as same as the mined diamonds, possess the same four characteristics of real diamonds and thus can be detected using the same detection processes of mined diamonds. And the only difference lies in their origin. But why the gemologists have taken a risk to bring out such a wide invention? Let us get into details.


Why shouldn’t you ignore lab-created diamonds?

You all know, that the Natural diamonds or the mined diamonds are formed under the earth’s mantle. And a large amount of earth is disturbed to mine out the dazzling stone. This hampers the mother nature. Moreover, the diamonds that are mined today, have taken billions of years to form under the earth. Thus these diamonds when mined out once, becomes rare in nature. This is another reason why you find real diamonds are so expensive.

To help you out, and save the mother earth, the gemologists have brought out the lab-grown New Dawn diamonds. Their motive is to make it easier for every buyer who wants to purchase a diamond, but can’t afford it and end up with purchasing duplicate diamonds. So, just to make sure that these diamonds are adopting all the physical and chemical properties of mined diamond, they use HPHT or CVD method to grow such diamonds. Want to know more about these processes? Check out the blog, how lab-created new dawn diamonds are made in the laboratory. Hope now this is clear to you that their intention is not to cheat the buyers but to help them. Therefore, we hardly recommend you to go for these, instead of ignoring these.

Have you ever thought that while purchasing diamond you can contribute to saving your mother nature? These lab-created diamonds give you the platform to all the busy individuals like you. You don’t have to time to plant trees. You don’t have time to resist deforestation. You don’t have time to join a campaign and inform others for afforestation. But you have time to buy diamonds for your love. Is this true? Don’t be shy. This is the nature of all common people. They rarely have time for their mother nature, but they can make time in purchasing diamonds. Thereafter, the invention of new dawn diamonds have paved the way for the individuals to be a part of go-green campaign not directly, but indirectly.

Once you are making your mind to buy lab-created new dawn diamonds, the inclination towards purchasing mined diamonds reduces. And as a result, the need for mining is not required and thus nature is saved from getting disturbed.

You will be shocked to know, that today most of the people are trusting new dawn diamonds. So we also recommend you, if you are looking for engagement or wedding rings, then go for those which are studded with lab-grown new dawn diamonds. To know the reasons you may check out our blog where we have clearly mentioned the reason why people are liking new dawn diamonds. We are absolutely sure that if you look through the reasons, you will definitely be attracted to these diamonds. Not only this, you will love to design your custom-made diamond ring or other jewelries with these lab-grown diamonds.

Hope this blog is helpful to you and hope now you have understood that how these lab-created diamonds have ruled over mined diamonds. So without wasting much your time, move down to the diamond stores that provide certified new dawn diamonds and make your purchase. Treat them as if you are buying mined diamonds. This will never let you think that these diamonds are man-made as you will get the GIA Certificate in this case also…

8 Ways to Buy Diamond Engagement Ring in Budget

By Seo Team | April 19, 2018 | Tag: Lab Created Diamonds

Your engagement is knocking at the door, and you still can’t make it out how you should buy a diamond engagement ring without burning your pocket. Is it true? Hearing the word ‘diamond’, makes us think twice before purchasing. Just because it is quite expensive and most of us can’t afford it.
Yes, we believe, buying a diamond is not a cup of tea for everyone. But today, we will share with you some tips that will encourage you to buy your engagement ring. Do you know why? Because we have some secret ideas for you regarding purchasing your diamond ring within your budget. Want to know what are they?

Let us discuss the 8 ways by which you can simply buy your ring for your diamond.

1. Go for Lab-Created diamonds or New Dawn diamonds:

Don’t confuse these with your diamond simulants or duplicate diamonds. Lab created diamonds or the New Dawn diamonds are definitely grown in the laboratory, but that doesn’t mean they are duplicate. They look 100% identical to the real mined diamonds and possess both physical and chemical properties of a mined diamond. Since these diamonds are lab grown, they are less expensive than the original diamond. Not only this, if you are nature-friendly, then these diamonds can serve this purpose, as they won’t disturb the mother earth. If you have a handful of the budget, then this can be a perfect option for you. But if not, then you can move on to other options.

2. Customize your diamond engagement ring:

Most of you may contradict us in this point of view. But believe us, this can be an unexpected truth regarding diamond. Yes, we believe that customization of a diamond jewelry may increase the price of the jewelry. If you read the line carefully, then probably you have come across the term ‘may’. Hope this has already changed your picture and made it clear to you. The price truly depends on the following factors. Design, metal, diamond and style. You have to be smart enough while choosing this for you. The finer your design will be, the higher will be the price.

3. Choose Gold instead of Platinum:

While buying a diamond ring, your choice of metal does matters. No doubt platinum gives an extravagant look to you ring when paired with the beads of diamond and is known for its high durability. But this special features, boost up the cost of the ring. We will recommend you to choose gold instead of platinum. It may not give that white dazzling appearance, but will surely be a masterpiece with the golden hue. Moreover, there is an option of white gold. If you can’t help going for a white shade, then this can be the best replacement. Don’t have to believe on us. Go and try it. Damn sure you will love it, not just like it.

4. Choose proper diamond shapes:

Choosing the diamond piece is something very important. There are several shapes and styles of diamond and the price of each of them differs according to its cut. So you have to be very careful while plucking the stone from the store. For this you have to know about the different shapes of a diamond initially. Emerald, princess, cushion, and heart shaped diamonds appear larger than other shapes and also obtained at a price less than round brilliant cut diamond of the same carat weight. Check out the details and decide accordingly.

5. Pick up Pave diamonds:

Pave diamonds are tiny minute sized diamonds that are placed close together to give the ring the most dazzling and extravagant appearance. These diamonds are mainly known for its brilliance and fire. Since they are smaller in size, they are less expensive than other diamonds. There are different styles of creating pave diamond ring. Get a detailed analysis of pave diamond rings before purchasing.

6. Prong Setting:

Prongs can also contribute to lowering the cost of your ring. How? The more minimal prong setting over a bezel one can cost less than another way of settings. This secures the diamond just like a tripod above the metal band. Moreover, this will bring out the appearance of the stone rather than highlighting the prongs.

7. Halo setting:

The best way to lower your budget can be halo setting. A single but high carat diamond placed at the center gives an enormous look and encircled by the ring. You may or may not used pave diamonds. It will depend on your budget. But this setting will not cost more, until the diamond you are selecting is of high range.

8. Heirloom:

The concept of family heirloom is not a bad idea. What say? If you get a diamond ring that belongs to your mother or grandmother, then it will have a great value. You may think, diamond loses its value with time. Then how is this possible. By the term ‘value’ we refer to its significance. It will hold the blessings of your guardians and have the feelings of love and care for their children. If you don’t have any option left, and still looking for a diamond ring to gift your love, then it is better to search at your home first, before loitering outside to different stores.

Hope these methods can help you out with purchasing your diamond engagement ring. However, we also have a different option for you. If not diamond, you may try something else. Check out the different other alternatives that you can use as an engagement or wedding ring, in place of a diamond. These will have totally a different perception.

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How are Lab-Created Diamonds | Synthetic Diamonds Made

By Seo Team | April 14, 2018 | Tag: Lab Created Diamonds

In our previous blogs, we have always told you to buy lab-created diamonds- they are made in the laboratory, just like the real mined diamonds. But have you ever thought how these diamonds are made in a mass? Actually, as a buyer, you don’t care about its formation. You just go and fetch it from a diamond store. But you should have a knowledge about its formation. Not just to know something new, but because you should know whether the diamonds are truly formed or not.

You may only know that Lab-grown diamonds are grown using two methods: High-Pressure High Temperature(HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition(CVD). Right? If not then let us discuss that first in brief.

HPHT diamonds

There are three types of manufacturing processes in this method. Belt press, Cubic press, and Split-sphere(BARS) press. Just like a real diamond is formed under the Earth’s mantle with constant application of high pressure and temperature, such an atmosphere is created in this process. Placing a single small seed of diamond in carbon, the process of diamond creation is initialized using high temperature and high pressure.

CVD diamonds

In this method, diamonds are grown using hydrocarbon gas mixture. A thin slice of diamond seed is placed in a heat chamber having a high temperature, say about 800-degree Celsius. A mixture of carbon and other gases are added to the chamber to form your diamond. If you look through it properly, you will find, an overall ionization process is used. The molecular bonds between the gases are broken and pure carbon stick to the diamond seed.

CVD process is the latest way of creating lab-created diamonds. You can say, this process has taken the place of HPHT method. But why? Isn’t it helpful? Actually, the various advantages of CVD process have helped to it be preferred mostly. What are they?
1. Like HPHT, CVD process doesn’t need any high pressure to create such diamonds.
2. The CVD diamonds can be grown over larger areas when started with a larger diamond seed plate.
3. As it is grown inside a chamber, it is more environment-friendly as compared to HPHT process.

How is Lab-created diamonds | synthetic diamonds created

Well, both of the methods can bring out new dawn diamonds, CVD method is highly used now. Are you aware of the steps that are required to do so?

Let us see, what are the steps to create lab created diamonds or New Dawn diamonds.

Step 1:  In a diamond growth chamber, a collection of diamond beads are placed on a disc. A range of 15-30 seeds is usually taken. Thereafter, methane gas (CH4) is emitted to form a plasma with Hydrogen(H2).

Step 2: After the first step is initialized, the plasma ball is created in this gas chamber. This ball is filled with superheated gases and your diamond creating process is started. Isn’t it interested? As it is created then a disc made of 15-30 diamond seeds are placed in the microwave reactor.

Step 3: The next step is to raise the heat to 900-1200 C. This temperature is adjusted according to the type of gemstone.

Step 4: In this step, the Methane gas and the hydrogen gas stick to each of the diamond seed. These are referred to activated carbon-hydrogen species. The process is continuously observed for almost a month so that the crystal appears like a three-dimensional diamond.

Step 5: Technology has been raised in these days. Taking advantage, a techs monitor is used to check whether the seed is properly grown or not. The moment the iPad monitor indicates that the diamond is ready to remove, it is taken out of the chamber. But yes, not ready to serve yet.

Step 6: After the diamonds are removed they are directly sent to the gemologist for cutting, polished and grading. This gives the diamond a proper shape and quality. Later it is added to a metal base to form a wedding or engagement ring.

Is this blog helpful for you to gain knowledge on the formation of diamonds? Hope so. Just formation of diamond takes place in such a long process, but to get a proper diamond jewelry, a ring or a band, it is again molted to a metal base. So, why will it not be so expensive?

After a continuous process of formation, the diamond gets to achieve all the characteristics of a mined diamond. Remember the four characteristics of a natural diamond? These are similar to those. But how can you trust them? These new dawn diamonds are truly lab-certified diamonds. Without the certification by GIA labs, these diamonds won’t appear in the market. If any jeweler tries to sell you diamonds without GIA certificate, then it is your smartness not to accept that product. Because there will be a high chance of the diamonds not to be real. Instead, these may be diamonds stimulants. Go through our blog where we have clearly discussed how to detect the true diamond from a fake stone, and then make your purchase.

Why We Refer You to Buy Diamonds From Chicago

By Seo Team | April 11, 2018 | Tag: Lab Created Diamonds

Are you looking for diamonds to gift your love on a special day? Is it that you are getting married or it is your anniversary? Whatever it may be, the person is really lucky enough to have you, we might say. Every girl wants to get something special and extraordinary from her partner and if it comes in terms of a diamond, then believe us it will really make her day.

So from where you have decided to buy your diamonds, for your diamond?

If this question is confusing you, then just give your confusion a break! Because in this blog we will talk about such a destination, from where you can get your best diamond piece for your partner. We are talking about Chicago and its Diamond district, Historic Jewelers Row. If you ask us, then we will say, nothing can be better than Chicago. Do you know why? Let us discuss this with you in details.

1. Costs:

Whenever you think of purchasing something expensive, you always visualize its cost first. Right? Costing factor really matters. And when it comes to the diamond you think twice. We have seen most of you stepping backward, just because you can’t afford to buy a diamond and end up giving a moissanite ring, which starts revealing its original look after few days. But this will not be the situation if you decide to buy diamonds from Chicago. Yes, you don’t have to give duplicate diamonds just to make her happy. The Historic Jewelers Row in Chicago doesn’t let you this happen. It is their specialty that they trade and manufacture diamonds at a wholesale rate and keep their customer happy. Won’t you want to be one of their happy customers? Then just move down to the loop community area and step into the Jewelers Center there.

Cost for your diamond | Diamonds717

2. Multiple Choice:

You may have faced a situation, where you have two choose between two-three collections of diamonds. It becomes really tough to select from the ones which your heart doesn’t permit. But without any other option, you go for it. This will not be the case if you step into the Diamond district of Chicago. There is no shortage here. Neither of diamonds nor of jewelers. In fact, the Jewelers Row is named due to the home of hundreds of jewelers. The Jewelers Center in Wabash Mall is comprised of 190 jewelers of 33 different countries. Isn’t it enough to buy a single diamond?


3. Eco-friendly diamonds:

After reading this much, you may have appeased your heart to buy diamonds from Chicago. But your mind is still not responding. Why is it? Because you are thinking how this can be possible that such an expensive stone is sold at such a low price rate. Yes, this is not impractical. Chicago jewelers avoid to sell real mined diamonds as they disturb a huge amount of earth. To save the mother earth, the gemologists have brought out a massive creation: lab-created diamonds or popularly known as New Dawn diamonds. These diamonds are made in the laboratory under HPHT or CVD process. To know more check out our blog where we will discuss how these synthetic diamonds are created. No doubt, they are completely different from diamond stimulants and are 100% identical to real diamonds. If you are having any doubt you can check why people are liking New Dawn Diamonds.

4. Quality certified diamonds:

Now the question comes to trust. Yes, we believe trusting something easily is really hard. But what if you get an authentic certificate of trust? Since the diamonds in Chicago are all manufactured in the laboratory, they are certified from GIA labs. The certificate indicates that except their origin, they are identical to the mined diamonds in all respect. Whether it is according to physical properties or chemical composition. It is the duty of every jeweler to present the certificate of authentication to every customer while their purchasing. And if they miss it, it is your responsibility to ask for that along while buying your product.

GIA certified diamonds Inc

5. Personal assistance:

Now, Chicago’s diamond district and their engrossing collection can make you confuse. There may be a situation, when you can’t make out what exactly you want from the store, which product will bring out a smile in her face, or what can be the best diamond among the thousands. To bring you out from such situation, the jewelers of Chicago provide you with personal assistance. They will treat you personally and help you out to get the best product from the store. You just need to be aware of the quality of diamonds. Know about the ways how to detect true diamonds from the fake one before purchasing, so that no one can cheat on you.

Personal Assistance for your diamond ring | Diamonds717

6. Custom-made diamonds:

Now this is something unique. Along with the variety of designs and patterns, if you still not get your desired diamond (though this is next to impossible), Chicago jewelers give you an option to create your own diamond product. In another way, if you want to gift your love something unique and exceptional, then this can be an ideal option that you may think of. Custom-made diamonds can act as a media to convey your love through the dazzling stone and along with this speak out about your hidden talent. Check out this to know what makes custom-made engagement rings so popular among the buyers.

Computer aided design creation of jewelry - Diamonds Inc (CAD Design)

Hey, Guys don’t forget about Parking. You all know that here, parking is very expensive. That is why people prefer using public transport rather than their own car. But taking your partner to choose the wedding ring or engagement ring in a public transport will be quite unpleasant. So don’t think about that parking will be an expense. Some jewelers like us provide free 2 hours valet parking to the nearest lane just for creating a better customer relationship. Book your appointment and avail the Parking voucher for this perquisite.

Hope now you have understood, why we were referring you Chicago, to buy diamonds. So don’t be late. If you are residing there, then you are a lucky one having diamonds surrounding you. But if you are staying at a distance, just fly to Chicago and check out its beauty.

Diamond Wedding Bands vs Pave Diamond Rings

By Seo Team | March 26, 2018 | Tag: Lab Created Diamonds

Have you seen anyone saying ‘no’ to diamonds? Everybody loves to wear a diamond. Whether it is a diamond wedding band or a ring, you will never find anyone who says he or she doesn’t like to have a diamond. And if that diamond is gifted by someone special, then it will definitely hold a different value to them.

Imagine if someone asks you what you will like to choose diamond wedding bands or pave diamond rings. What should be your answer? You will of course get a bit confused. Right? Because both are diamonds and both are near to your heart. You will surely don’t have words to discriminate them. But yes, today we will give a solution to this problem. While going through this blog, you will come across few points that will help you to clear out the confusion between diamond wedding bands and pave diamond rings.

Diamond Wedding Band

A diamond wedding band is nothing but a metal band studded with pieces of diamonds. If you turn down the pages of history you will observe that men in the history used to wear a metal band on their finger. The circular band was made of a metal, completely devoid of diamonds. As time passed away, the metal band started gaining its popularity among the women too. The design was copied from the history and diamonds are added to the metal to give it a new elegant look.

Today, while purchasing a diamond band two things you have to decide initially. The metal type and the diamond setting.

wedding bands for you - Diamonds Inc | diamonds717

Metal types:

Based on metal types diamond wedding band can be divided into several types.

1. White metal: Platinum and white gold metal are used to form these bands. The white gesture along with the studded diamonds make the band brighter, more beautiful and captivating.

2. Rose Gold: This option can be obtained if 24 carat gold is used to create such bands. These bands are assumed to be more luxurious and act as a complement to every skin tones. If you want a blend of both gold and diamond, then this can be your most desirable option.

3. Recycle Gold: Metals which are formed by continuous recycling are sometimes used to form wedding bands. If you are an eco-friendly person and wants to avoid gold mining then you can buy the band of this renewable resource.

Diamond setting:

Based on the style of setting the diamonds, you can divide the wedding bands into following categories.

1. Shared Prong Setting: Here diamonds are line up throughout the band using prongs. Shared prong refers to the alignment used in the setting. One prong for two diamonds, thus in a ‘sharing’ gesture. In this case, diamonds are clearly visible and thus gives the band a beautiful texture.

2. Pave diamond setting: In this case, the diamonds are aligned between two thin bars of the metal used. Compared to shared prong setting, it is safer in keeping the diamonds in place.

3. Channel setting: Similar to the pave setting, diamonds are placed within the girdle. Tiny grooves are made to keep the diamonds safe. This setting is one of the finest settings that buyers usually recommend.

Pave Diamond Ring

Before getting into the depth of a pave diamond ring, you should make this clear that a diamond band and a diamond ring are two different items. Sometimes it really becomes difficult to take the right decision between the two. To solve your confusion we have already mentioned in our other blog, which one to prefer the most: a wedding ring or a wedding band.

If you look at the diamond band attentively, you will find that a diamond ring is nothing but the diamond band with a diamond at the center. As you know, if we start categorizing a diamond ring, then there will appear several types of diamond ring. Among such types, a pave diamond ring is the one. We will recommend, if you are looking for a ring that dazzles and shimmers from every angle, then grab a pave diamond ring blindly.

Among the different diamond settings, pave diamond ring is grown to showcase the maximum fire and brilliance of a diamond. You may say, the diamonds placed in this setting are given a platform to showcase their amusing characteristics of exhibiting brightness. The beads of diamonds are clustered together in such a way that a negligible amount of metal is visible. Pave diamond ring are further classified into Pave Halos, French Pave, and Micro Pave. Turn the pages of our blog on pave diamond rings overview and gain more knowledge.

Pave diamond ring - Diamonds717 | Diamonds Inc

Hope now you will don’t have any confusion while purchasing a diamond wedding jewelry for your love. Just make sure that the diamonds used are real and not fake. With the term ‘real’ we mean to refer to lab-created diamonds. Why people prefer lab-created diamonds? Know more. As you know, the price of real mined diamonds is out of reach. So you have to depend on lab-grown ones, which are the reflection of natural diamonds. Browse online and get in touch with the diamond stores that sell lab-grown new dawn diamonds at a reasonable rate. There you will get a variety of such diamond rings or bands.