Promise Rings – The Sign of Commitment

By Seo Team | June 27, 2019 | Tag: Jewelers Row Chicago engagement rings

Promise rings, as the name suggests, are meant to signify the sign of commitment. Normally they are worn by couples to express their commitment for each other. These rings are showcased as a symbol of promise between two people in a romantic relationship.

Some valid reasons behind gifting these promise rings are:

1.These symbolize the desire to marry or a commitment that says “I will be there forever with you”.

2.The ring determines the loyalty or pure love of the couple.It signifies the bonding between the couple,

3.Maybe the friendship goal that he or she wants to complete being together.

However, these rings can even serve the purpose for two best friends, chastity, monogamy, and even religious purposes. Hence it is not necessary that the promise rings will represent the promises of weddings or engagements. It just signifies a bonding between two individuals.

Are you interested in purchasing such a jewelry piece? Jewelers Row Chicago has a wonderful collection in these rings. Promise rings are generally composed of diamonds. However, you can even find them in different other gemstones as well.

Promise rings can be classified into multiple categories.

Pre-engagement Promise Rings: As we have mentioned earlier, promise rings can be gifted on several occasions. Among these events, promise rings are mostly treated as pre-engagement rings. They are gifted to those who are about to get engaged and married in the future. Later on this promise ring is replaced with either an engagement ring or a wedding ring.

Purity Promise Rings: While exploring the diamond jewelry Chicago jewelers can offer you another form of promise rings – purity promise rings. Couples love to wear such rings to remain chaste or to abstain from something. Not just couples, even sometimes we find parents are gifting promise rings to their children as a symbol of the promise to stay pure from the heart always.

Abstinence Promise Rings: Promise rings even symbolize a promise for self-resistant from bad habits such as smoking, drinking, etc.

Friendship Rings: Another form of promise rings is friendship rings. Friends, especially the best friends often exchange rings with an intention that they will remain friends forever or their bonding will remain intact no matter how far they are. This is something completely different from romantic couples.

You must have heard of different styles of Jewelers Row Chicago engagement rings, now its turn for different styles of promise rings. Now based on different styles, promise rings are classified as:

Simple Promise Rings: Diamond promise rings are available in plenty of styles and designs. But if you want to go with the very simple one to express your simplicity and purity we can even offer you that as well. A simple gold or silver band is enough to symbolize your promise or commitment to each other. True lover especially look for such rings to highlight – they are made for each other.

Engraved Promise Rings: Another addition to the ring segment of the Jewelers Row Chicago is the engraved promise ring. These rings are generally customized with the names of the couples or any other word that expresses them as a couple. Showcasing their name on the ring, they actually want the whole world to know about their commitment.

Interlocking Promise Rings: Another favorite of the lovers is the interlocking promise ring. The meaning behind such a design is that the love between the two lovebirds will be interlocked soon. To be a bit specific, these rings symbolize that the couples will soon be together and forever.

Double Knot Promise Rings: In contrast to the interlocking promise rings, double knot promise rings define more or less the same. The knot represents the knot of love that can’t be unfastened. The extremely strong knot of love that they have created will remain for eternity. These knot rings are mainly obtained in different alloys like gold or silver. However, if you want we can even give a diamond touch in them, making it more classy and timeless.

All these are some examples of contemporary style promise rings that you can explore in the Jewelers Row Chicago.

Different styles of promise rings are available in our diamond studio. Starting from halo style cluster promise ring to heart shaped promise ring, you will get the endless collection on our products. From chastity ring to youth promise rings, composed of birthstone can also be witnessed at our store.

Now the decision is yours. You can even purchase a simple promise ring made of alloy or you can go for the expensive diamond promise rings that include the solitaires and three-stone rings. The best part is that you can make your promise without even hurting your wallet. Because our exclusive collection is always based on lab-grown diamonds that never leave space to amaze the audience. The brilliance, the fire, the quality, the luster are no less than a real mined diamond. That is the reason why people love to make their purchase from our outlet in Chicago.

Do you want to try them out? Visit Diamonds Inc, Chicago and place your order as soon as possible.