Which Diamond Setting is to Prefer While Purchasing Diamond Bracelets?

By Seo Team | June 21, 2019 | Tag: diamond store in chicago

Is the above question concerning you? Well, choosing a perfect diamond setting for a diamond bracelet is really a matter of concern. However, this particular concern is only noticed among the jewelry lovers or the buyers who have adequate knowledge of purchasing jewelry pieces.

Diamonds come in different types of settings. For example, pave settings, channel settings, bezel settings, and so on. All these settings are made to secure the diamonds on the metal base. But not every diamond shape can be secured by every diamond setting. Hence it is important to learn about the diamond settings in details. Be it diamond bracelets or diamond rings in Chicago, diamond settings play a great role in elevating the spark and fire of the overall diamond jewelry.

1. Diamond Tennis Bracelets: A diamond tennis bracelet as you know is featured with a continuous chain of diamonds. Such a design comes in either three or four prong settings or bezel settings to keep the diamonds secured in their place.

Prong Settings: Prong settings are basically the traditional way to secure any diamond jewelry. Whether it is the diamond bracelet or a diamond ring in Chicago, this setting has proved to be the most prominent one.
Prongs are made of some metal projections that have the power to secure each stone of the jewelry. It is based on the style of the bracelet that the number of prongs remains changing. For example, if it is a large diamond then four or six prong setting is used to secure the piece or else three prong setting is enough to fix the diamond.

Bezzel Settings: In tennis bracelets, bezel settings are featured with a circular mount that secures the diamond in its position. It can be either half bezel set or a full one. In the half bezel set, small bars or half circles are observed on each side of the diamond, while in the full bezel set tennis bracelets a complete circle is found.
Bezel set tennis bracelets, unlike the former one, provide contemporary styling and when the modern and streamlined bracelet is concerned this particular setting can be a perfect choice.

2. Diamond Bangle Bracelets: Diamond bangle bracelets are featured with a continuous row of diamonds or scattered diamonds throughout the design. The settings the bangle offers are primarily – pave settings or channel settings.

Pave Settings: In pave settings, diamonds are embedded within the metal base of the bangle bracelet, using the prongs so as to secure them more. In this setting, diamonds remain more secure than other setting types.

Channel Setting: In channel setting, a row of diamonds are set within the metal using tension. No prongs are used. And the setting style emits an enormous sparkle and a fire to the overall jewelry. Moving down the diamond stores in Chicago, such bracelets in this channel setting is quite common.

3. Charm Bracelets: Another addition to the bracelet styles are charm bracelets. In this design, the linked chain is decked up with dangling charms. Something new to the style of bracelet and is mostly featured with bezel set where charms are snapped into the setting.

All such styles and settings are available in the diamond outlets of Chicago. For example, Diamonds Inc and other reputed brands. However, if anyone is wondering to buy a diamond bracelet should be careful while choosing the setting. Because a wrong choice in setting may create less security for the diamonds. For example, if it is a dangling design it offers less protection to the charming diamonds. Hence for that bezel settings is the ideal option to secure the priceless diamond pieces in their position.

Diamond bracelets when paired with any outfit add a sophisticated look to the overall silhouette. They can be styled in many different unique settings or else can even be personalized according to your choice.

Amazing diamond bracelet collection is stacked at the diamond stores in Chicago. Anyone hunting for the perfect one must learn the above-mentioned settings and styles before embarking on the bracelets.