Custom Design


If you would like to take part in designing your own ring or have an inspired idea, we can assist you professionally from precious metals to gemstones. You can e-mail/fax your design or sketch of your idea. From there we can collaborate in fine tuning the details of the ring as well as other particulars such as schedule and budget.

Give Us your Ideas

Our CAD (Computer aided Design) artist creates your ring on the computer using a state of the art jewelry designing software. Every detail of the ring is on display from the ring size to the carat weight of the stones to be used. A rendition of the finished product is then made to show you what the ring will look like once it is complete.


Once you have approved the design, we send the file to printing. Using one of our rapid prototyping machines that utilizes high resolution resin, we are able to generate a wax model of your ring in a matter of hours.


We then cast your ring in the metal of your choosing (yellow or white gold, silver, platinum, and palladium) using our Indutherm MC 100 V Casting unit and other casting techniques.


After your ring has been casted it is carefully inspected and perfected by our state of the art laser machine to check for any microscopic flaws.


Our team of expert craftsmen then carefully set the diamonds into your ring and add finishing touches by polishing the piece for an exquisite finish that is sure to catch your eye.


At last, your ring is done! Be sure to bring in your piece every six to eight months so we can ensure that everything is just as good as it was the day it was accomplished.