Replace Your Ready Made Diamonds With Custom Made Diamonds

Replace Your Ready Made Diamonds With Custom Made Diamonds

By Seo Team | March 12, 2018

Hey, are you planning to gift diamonds to your wife this anniversary?

If you are keeping this as a secret, then it will be an amazing surprise to her. So what option have you chosen for diamond: ready made or custom made? Well, if you are the one who has decided to visit a store and purchase a ready-made diamond from the broad exposure of dazzling diamonds, then we will suggest you to skip this idea. Rather, you replace your ready-made diamonds with custom-made diamonds. We are not asking you to replace just like that. There must be some reasons behind it.

A custom made diamond is always preferred more than a ready-made diamond. But what makes it more preferable and recommended?

        1. Diamonds are the symbol of love and devotion. You can simply purchase a ready-made diamond-studded jewelry to express your feeling towards your love. But in case, when you are customizing a diamond jewelry, you are developing your own creativity. The final product will reflect your personality, your nature of work, and it will give you a platform to express your love and efforts towards it through the customized diamond.

        2. A custom made diamond jewelry plays the best role when your budget is low. The cost of a custom-made diamond depends on the design and patterns or the type of diamond you have used. You can’t wrap up saying that a custom-made diamond is expensive than a ready-made diamond. Nor can you say that the former is cheaper than the later.

        3. If you have adequate time on your hand, then gifting a custom-made diamond will be a wise decision. You can create something that you want. There will be no flaws. You can inspect your own work. Hurray, due to the latest technologies used these days, this custom made rings are also made in short span of time. Probably few hours or a day.

        4. There is nothing unique in purchasing a ready-made ring. A particular jeweler creates plenty of identical jewelry pieces. So how can you prove that the diamond that you are gifting is exceptional? But if you are customizing a diamond then you can proudly say that the diamond is different from others.

Due to these features, it is highly acceptable that a ready-made diamond should be replaced by a custom-made one. But you have to be clear enough that the deadline is far from the date of creation.

Hope these have made you clear to some extent.

You have decided to purchase a diamond, but do you have knowledge about the diamond’s characteristics? If not, then keep this in mind, while purchasing a diamond, you should have that minimum knowledge of the properties of diamond. We are stating you this for your own sake. Otherwise there are some traders who will take this advantage and provide you a fake diamond instead of the certified or the real one.

However, we will suggest you, don’t intend to buy a real diamond. It is quite expensive and you may not afford it. Instead, it is better to purchase new-dawn diamonds. These are lab-grown diamonds formed in the laboratory, not duplicate diamonds.

Do you know what makes these diamonds similar with real diamonds? New-dawn diamonds possess identical to real diamonds in both physical and chemical characteristics. And the only place that it differs is the origin. Since these diamonds are man-made, you can get these at a rate lower than a real one. Therefore you are getting all the features of a real diamond in a new-dawn diamond then why will you purchase the costlier one?

Just make sure you are purchasing a certified diamond. If the jeweler fails to give you the certificate then take a wise decision and drop the plan of purchasing the diamond from them. As we have told you earlier, the new-dawn diamonds are the replica of a real diamond in all respect. Therefore you can recheck their characteristics as you do for a real diamond. The value of a diamond depends on its four C’s. The cut, colour, clarity and carat.

  • Cut in a diamond gives the diamond different shapes: Round Brilliant cut, Princess cut, Oval cut, Emerald cut, Pear-shaped, Marquise cut, Cushion cut, Radiant cut, and Asscher cut. Check out different shapes of a diamond and then use it to customize it. The brightness of a diamond depends on its cut. Finer the cut, brighter will be the diamond.

  • A real diamond is always colourless and is rarely available in nature. This is the reason why they are so expensive. But if you are thinking to go for the certified diamonds, you will get various shades.

  • Clarity defines the flaws or inclusions in a diamond. Lab-grown diamonds are mainly flawless. There are different ranges of diamond’s clarity.

    IF : internally flawless

VVS1-VVS2 : very very slightly included

VS1-VS2 : very slightly included

S1-S2: slightly included

    • Diamonds are always measured in carats. The diamonds which weigh more is highly expensive.

      Browse them all to know in details before purchasing.

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