Pros and Cons of Lab Created Diamonds

Pros and Cons of Lab Created Diamonds

By admin | September 22, 2017

Engineered diamonds are usually named as lab grown or lab created diamonds. These lab-grown diamonds are bred in a highly maintained lab environment with the help of various technical step and procedures. However, the suchlike processed diamonds are just replicas of the naturally developed mantled diamonds beneath the earth’s crust. The custom-made diamonds are the same as the innate diamonds by their chemical properties. They are consist of the similar carbon atom present in the natural diamond. Lab diamonds mark their distinction from the inherent diamond only in the procedures they go through. It has ever been a conflict often raised our in mind whether to buy or not a custom-made diamond. Here are pros and cons of custom-made diamonds to get vivid ideas of buying them.


1. Lab-grown diamonds are fewer energy consumers than nature made the diamond. Alongside, they demand less effort what mantled diamonds need for digging them out of the earth’s crust.

2. Price differs. Going with custom-made diamonds save money considerably in contrast of purchasing innate diamonds. You can save at least 10% to 30% of your money in case of buying lab-made diamond rather than acquiring nature based one.

3. Nature based diamonds are often drawn an issue of confliction which is its possibility of being “blood diamond”. On the other hand processed in the lab, diamonds are conflict free. The source or origin of a lab-made diamond is easily recognized.


1. Lab grown diamonds have an affected impact on our economic condition. Due to the opulence in custom-made diamond business, the mining trade has been rolling up its fins. Many mine workers are becoming jobless and as a consequence, the economy of the country has been let down. Poverty occupies the place instead.

2. Although the lab made diamonds are grown through the resembling processes, they are a little insipid and lustreless if compared to the earth mantle grown. As they have to go through the artificial gradual process the glory of natural diamonds are diminished.

3. The x factor or the tradition of natural diamond gets vanished when it is processed through the same steps and chemical properties. The natural diamonds likely to have many histories and memories of the ancient ages and thus carry a traditional factor in them.

Decide which one you would go with. It is your decision and thought and obviously a money matter. Plenty of people are there would support the tradition and that an innate diamond contains and vice versa. If you are not much conscious with the essence of antiquity, you can opt for custom made diamond.

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