New Dawn Diamonds – The Best Diamond on Your Wedding Ring

New Dawn Diamonds – The Best Diamond on Your Wedding Ring

By Seo Team | February 27, 2018

Getting married this wedding season? Congrats.

So what are your plans? Have you selected the wedding planner or else you are planning your own wedding by yourself? If so then that sounds good. But have you bought the ring? The wedding ring that you have to gift your partner on this day. Don’t forget that. Are you purchasing the ready-made one or customizing it on your own? Well, many new trendy types of rings have crept into the market. Browse those collections once before finalizing it.

Diamonds are too expensive in nature. But it is also necessary to purchase a diamond for the special occasion. Without gifting a diamond ring to each other, wedding remains incomplete. You can call it as a ritual. But the truth is that diamonds are considered to be a lucky and powerful stone for generations. In history, soldiers use to wear a diamond bracelet to protect themselves. And today, according to the ritual, a diamond should be gifted on an auspicious occasion. So what type of diamond have you decided to buy for your wedding ring? Metal Wedding ring, Diamond Wedding ring or Benchmark wedding rings.

On our point of view, you can look for new dawn diamonds. These are the latest diamond types that have been added to the diamond category.

What are New Dawn diamonds? Do you have any idea?

New Dawn diamonds are lab-grown diamonds or you may say the diamonds which are not mined but manufactured in the laboratory. These diamonds possess the same physical and chemical characteristics thus reflecting the real diamond in all aspects, except the origin. Today, diamonds only hold the definition of love and commitment, which you can be simply fulfilled by these new dawn diamonds. Do you know what is the main advantage of these diamonds? Since these are made in the laboratory, they are less expensive than real diamonds. So if you are getting all features in a lab-grown diamond with a low cost then why will you spend your money on a diamond which is too expensive?

Thus a new dawn diamond on your engagement ring will definitely be an affordable one. Do you want to give a special and unique touch to it? We will suggest you, don’t just walk-in to the jewelry store and purchase a new dawn engagement ring. Instead, you may order a custom-made ring for your partner placing the new dawn diamond on the top. This will reflect your personality, sense of humor and your love towards your partner.

Though it is a lab-grown one, still you should be aware of the characteristics of a diamond. Before purchasing, it is your duty to recheck the characteristics. Remember, this new dawn diamond also contains the same properties and features just like a real diamond. So you must be conscious of whether the jeweler is giving you a certified diamond or any other stone in the name of a diamond. We are constantly talking about the diamond characteristics, but do you have any idea what are they? Diamond characteristics constitute of the four C’s of a diamond; cut, color, clarity and carat. For your safety, we will discuss you with these in a brief.

Diamonds cut is the major characteristics of a diamond among the four. Why so? The cut of a diamond represents the diamond’s brightness. Based on these cuts the price of a diamond differs. It gives rise to several shapes of a diamond viz;

Round Brilliant cut, Princess cut, Oval cut, Emerald cut, Pear-shaped, Marquise cut, Cushion cut, Radiant cut, and Asscher cut. Each shape has different features. Go through the shapes in details and then decide which one you want to purchase. Same is for the colors. A real diamond is always colorless but in case of a new dawn diamond you will get variant colors. The clarity of a diamond defines the number of inclusions or flaws in it. You may ask for the magnifying glass from the jeweler to inspect these. And the last characteristics of a diamond that is the Carat is the measurement unit of a diamond. You should be careful enough while measuring the diamond’s weight.

Diamond is just an allotrope of carbon but its inbuilt property: highest hardness and thermal conductivity, makes it different from others. But how will you detect that the new diamond is a certified one? You may follow several methods to detect the real one from the duplicate fake stone. Apply fog test on the diamond. When you keep a diamond in front of your mouth and fog it, it will never get fogged. You may perform the refractivity test on diamond under UV rays, that is under sunlight. Make a dot on a paper and place the diamond on it. If you can see a circular reflection then make sure that you are holding a fake diamond. You can apply this test with a newspaper too. Try to read the letters on the newspaper through the diamond, a true diamond will never give you a chance to read.

All the above tests can distinguish a true diamond from a fake one. Since new dawn diamonds hold the exact features, you can easily apply these tests to it. Hope this will help you out while purchasing a new dawn diamond ring. According to us, a new dawn diamond will be the best diamond for your engagement ring. Now it is up to you. But whatever may be your decision, purchase the best breathtaking diamond engagement ring with a complete inspection.


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