What are Lab Grown Diamonds?

Lab-Grown Diamonds are precisely developed in a controlled laboratory environment using advanced automation that replica the condition of naturally developed diamonds presents beneath the earth’s crust. These diamonds are also known as Lab-grown or Man-made diamonds.

These lab-grown diamonds contain actual carbon atoms which are organized in the diamond crystal structure. As they are identical to natural diamonds, they possess the same optical and chemical properties.

Our lab-created diamonds are available in distinct colorless ranges from fancy colors to popular hues of vivid fancy yellow. These fancy colored diamonds are sold at reasonable prices compared to natural colored diamonds.

How are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

These man-made diamonds are cultured from tiny carbon seeds of pre-existing diamonds which are conditioned in extreme pressure and heat with special depositions method – CVD which imitates the natural process of diamond formation through advanced automation.

However, fancy colored diamonds are formed when a small amount of specific trace is naturally present during the growth phase of the diamond. In both white and fancy colored lab-created diamonds, the exact composition of the trace of these diamonds will differ from natural diamonds.

Lab diamonds can be distinguished from natural ones by specialized equipment that can detect minor differences in trace elements and crystal growth.

The difference between lab diamonds and diamond simulants

There is a vital contrast between laboratory-created diamonds and diamond simulants. While diamond simulants such as cubic zirconia and moissanite, look akin to diamonds, but they are not true carbon crystals. They are sold at much lower prices than lab-grown diamonds because of their distinct physical and chemical properties. The diamond stimulants are distinguishable from the naked eye.

Lab-grown Diamonds VS Mined Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds illustrate the same sparkle, gloss, and luster as natural diamonds.

It displays the same optical, physical, and chemical properties as natural diamonds.

Lab-created diamonds provide excellent value at affordable prices than natural diamonds.

These lab-grown diamonds come with a gem certification identifying them as lab-grown diamonds.


These artificial diamonds are cultured from tiny carbon seeds of premature diamonds which are conditioned in extreme pressure and heat with special depositions method - CVD which imitates the natural process of diamond formation through advanced automation.

Lab-Grown Diamond

Lab-Grown Diamonds grow through the same natural crystallization process as mined diamonds, contain actual carbon atoms which are organized in the diamond crystal structure, and share identical physical, chemical, and optical properties.

Eco Friendly

Unique Lab Grown uses less than half the amount of energy to produce a similar proportion of rough carats compared to natural mines.


Lab-grown diamonds are affordable irrespective of comparable size and quality than mined diamonds.

Curated, Graded, and Certified

These lab-grown diamonds come with a gem certification identifying them as lab-grown diamonds.

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