Diamond Jewelry Pieces of Diamonds Inc is Inexpensive. How is This Possible?

Diamond Jewelry Pieces of Diamonds Inc is Inexpensive. How is This Possible?

By Seo Team | April 27, 2019

“In comparison to other diamond retail store, diamonds of Diamonds Inc are so pocket-friendly that we have to think twice before making our purchase”. Often our customers make such a statement while they aim to make their purchase from our store. In fact, there are many potential buyers who have raised queries regarding the price of diamonds. For example, “Why your diamond based jewelries are so economical in nature compared to alternative diamonds within the market? Do you sell duplicate diamonds? How can your diamonds be pocket-friendly?” and so on.

Are you having the same queries? If yes, here in this blog we will describe to you the reasons why the price of diamonds at Diamonds Inc is lower than the other diamond stores in Chicago.

Here we go.

1. Our diamonds are lab-created: Yeah, our diamonds are lab-created and that is the primary reason why we can serve these diamonds at an economical rate. Unlike the organic diamonds gifted by nature, these diamonds are created in gem laboratories under high temperature and high pressure. HPHT (High-Pressure High-Temperature) and CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) are the two stellar processes used by the gem experts to create such beautiful pieces of diamonds. Let us explain them in details.

Our diamonds are lab-created

High-Pressure High Temperature – This particular method as named, involves the application of high temperature and high-pressure. Here the diamond seeds are placed at the bottom of the press and a temperature of 1400 degree Celsius and a pressure of 5 GPa are applied to form large synthetic diamonds.

High Pressure High Temperature

Chemical Vapor Deposition – In this method diamonds are grown with the involvement of hydrocarbon gas mixture. Mass production of high-quality diamond crystals occurs due to the involvement of substrate preparation, feeding varying amounts of gases into the chamber, and energizing them. In contrast to the HPHT process, this method doesn’t involve an application of high pressure, rather it creates a carbon plasma over a substrate in which carbon atoms are deposited to form the pieces of diamond.

chemical vapor diamond

Both the above-mentioned methods are the supreme ways to create synthetic diamonds. But obviously, these are not duplicate diamonds as they inherit every single property of organic diamond. Whether it is a chemical property, physical property or an optical property, these lab-grown diamonds excel in impressing the crowd with its brilliance and spark.

2. Huge Collection: Now since they are lab-created, they can be formed anytime. Just with the application of high temperature and high pressure, there is mass production of diamonds. Hence, there is no option for creating a crisis. Whereas, natural diamonds are hardly available in nature. They are quite rare and so are so much costlier than the lab-created new dawn diamonds.

huge collection

3. Our diamonds are not mined: Organic diamonds are obtained by undergoing mining process. Huge mines are created so as to dig out the precious rough diamonds. Mining is not an easy process. It requires huge planning along with numerous labors and machines. All these contribute a lot to the cost of natural diamonds.
But since lab-created new dawn diamonds are devoid of all these, they are less costlier than the former one.

4. Our diamonds are not time-consuming: Another reason why our diamonds are economical is they are not so time-consuming. It’s quite natural that the items requiring a lot of time to take its real form costs high than the products that are obtained within a few days.
A diamond created naturally is formed thousands of years ago under the earth. And every product that is formed in nature is high-priced. While the diamonds created in labs take just a few weeks to turn into real diamonds.

diamonds are not time-consuming

Now the question is whether our diamond is duplicate or not.

Many visitors visiting our store stated that since these diamonds are lab-grown they are duplicate. But it is completely a wrong statement they often make. Our lab-created new dawn diamonds are not just an imitation as they acquire the exact characteristics of a real diamond. Whereas, the duplicate diamonds or the diamond simulants possess just the physical characteristics. They look similar but they don’t derive the same properties of an organic diamond.

Hope the above-mentioned reasons will help you to make a seamless purchase from now onwards. Hope you don’t have any further queries regarding the price of our lab-grown diamonds. However, if you still have any, step into our store and make your queries.

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