How are Lab-Created Diamonds | Synthetic Diamonds Made

By Seo Team | April 14, 2018 | Category: Lab Grown Diamonds

In our previous blogs, we have always told you to buy lab-created diamonds- they are made in the laboratory, just like the real mined diamonds. But have you ever thought how these diamonds are made in a mass? Actually, as a buyer, you don’t care about its formation. You just go and fetch it from a diamond store. But you should have a knowledge about its formation. Not just to know something new, but because you should know whether the diamonds are truly formed or not.

You may only know that Lab-grown diamonds are grown using two methods: High-Pressure High Temperature(HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition(CVD). Right? If not then let us discuss that first in brief.

HPHT diamonds

There are three types of manufacturing processes in this method. Belt press, Cubic press, and Split-sphere(BARS) press. Just like a real diamond is formed under the Earth’s mantle with constant application of high pressure and temperature, such an atmosphere is created in this process. Placing a single small seed of diamond in carbon, the process of diamond creation is initialized using high temperature and high pressure.

CVD diamonds

In this method, diamonds are grown using hydrocarbon gas mixture. A thin slice of diamond seed is placed in a heat chamber having a high temperature, say about 800-degree Celsius. A mixture of carbon and other gases are added to the chamber to form your diamond. If you look through it properly, you will find, an overall ionization process is used. The molecular bonds between the gases are broken and pure carbon stick to the diamond seed.

CVD process is the latest way of creating lab-created diamonds. You can say, this process has taken the place of HPHT method. But why? Isn’t it helpful? Actually, the various advantages of CVD process have helped to it be preferred mostly. What are they?
1. Like HPHT, CVD process doesn’t need any high pressure to create such diamonds.
2. The CVD diamonds can be grown over larger areas when started with a larger diamond seed plate.
3. As it is grown inside a chamber, it is more environment-friendly as compared to HPHT process.

How is Lab-created diamonds | synthetic diamonds created

Well, both of the methods can bring out new dawn diamonds, CVD method is highly used now. Are you aware of the steps that are required to do so?

Let us see, what are the steps to create lab created diamonds or New Dawn diamonds.

Step 1:  In a diamond growth chamber, a collection of diamond beads are placed on a disc. A range of 15-30 seeds is usually taken. Thereafter, methane gas (CH4) is emitted to form a plasma with Hydrogen(H2).

Step 2: After the first step is initialized, the plasma ball is created in this gas chamber. This ball is filled with superheated gases and your diamond creating process is started. Isn’t it interested? As it is created then a disc made of 15-30 diamond seeds are placed in the microwave reactor.

Step 3: The next step is to raise the heat to 900-1200 C. This temperature is adjusted according to the type of gemstone.

Step 4: In this step, the Methane gas and the hydrogen gas stick to each of the diamond seed. These are referred to activated carbon-hydrogen species. The process is continuously observed for almost a month so that the crystal appears like a three-dimensional diamond.

Step 5: Technology has been raised in these days. Taking advantage, a techs monitor is used to check whether the seed is properly grown or not. The moment the iPad monitor indicates that the diamond is ready to remove, it is taken out of the chamber. But yes, not ready to serve yet.

Step 6: After the diamonds are removed they are directly sent to the gemologist for cutting, polished and grading. This gives the diamond a proper shape and quality. Later it is added to a metal base to form a wedding or engagement ring.

Is this blog helpful for you to gain knowledge on the formation of diamonds? Hope so. Just formation of diamond takes place in such a long process, but to get a proper diamond jewelry, a ring or a band, it is again molted to a metal base. So, why will it not be so expensive?

After a continuous process of formation, the diamond gets to achieve all the characteristics of a mined diamond. Remember the four characteristics of a natural diamond? These are similar to those. But how can you trust them? These new dawn diamonds are truly lab-certified diamonds. Without the certification by GIA labs, these diamonds won’t appear in the market. If any jeweler tries to sell you diamonds without GIA certificate, then it is your smartness not to accept that product. Because there will be a high chance of the diamonds not to be real. Instead, these may be diamonds stimulants. Go through our blog where we have clearly discussed how to detect the true diamond from a fake stone, and then make your purchase.

Why Are People Liking Lab-Created Diamonds?

By Seo Team | March 7, 2018 | Category: Lab Grown Diamonds

Are you among the one who doesn’t know what are the reasons that majority have started liking lab-created diamonds, instead of the real ones? Due to the exciting features of this cultured diamonds, they are booming rapidly in the diamond market. But what are these lab-created diamonds? As the name suggests, LAB-CREATED DIAMONDS are the man-made diamonds created in the laboratory with several advanced technologies. Their importance lies in their exciting features. Are you excited to know, what are they?

Importance of lab-grown diamonds:

1. Lab-grown diamonds are identical to real diamonds, in both physical structure and chemical composition. As they possess the same composition, these diamonds exhibit identical properties. Since these lab-grown diamonds are manufactured in the labs, the diamonds appear cheaper than a real diamond. You can enjoy cheaper diamonds of the same quality that of a real diamond. Thus we can conclude that lab-grown diamonds are cost-effective.

2. There are several colours that are available for man-made diamonds. A real diamond is always colourless but a lab-grown diamond starts with yellow shade. This is because of the nitrogen atoms who resides in the diamond lattice. When real diamond is exposed to heat and pressure for years, the nitrogen atom splits within the lattice, giving rise to a white light. But in case of man-made diamonds, the same colour of light is emitted by placing fewer nitrogen atoms or no nitrogen.

3. Man-made diamonds are available in various shapes such as Round Brilliant cut, Princess cut, Oval cut, Emerald cut, Pear-shaped, Marquise cut, Cushion cut, Radiant cut, and Asscher cut, just like real diamonds. So you can have the opportunity to enjoy these shapes at a low cost.

4. These are conflict-free diamonds and socially conscious than mined gemstones. As they are man-made, they have a low contribution to ecological effect.

Therefore, it is wise to spend money on this synthetic diamonds than on real expensive diamonds. What is your decision? If you are opting to buy a diamond for your loved one then we will suggest you, go and purchase lab-created diamonds. You will get the same impact as you would have with a real diamond.

You can easily use the real diamond detection tests to detect whether the diamond is a certified one or not. Before moving on to the tests you should have the knowledge of the four C’s of diamond; cut, colour, clarity and carat. Cut defines the brightness of a diamond and it gives rise to various shapes (mentioned above). We have already discussed the colours of a man-made diamond. Clarity defines the inclusions, though man-made diamonds are mainly flawless and carat defines the measurement of the diamond. These are all same for a man-made diamond. All these characteristics are present in a certified diamond. Now coming to our point, what are the tests that will distinguish the certified diamond from others?

You can easily detect a certified or graded diamond by identifying the grading report number which laser engraved on the girdle of the diamond. There are several other methods by which you can detect a diamond from fake ones. Since the lab-grown diamonds are identical to real diamonds you can easily follow the tests of a original diamond. What are the tests to detect diamonds?

Since a diamond possesses optical properties. Thus you can perform a refractive test where under the daylight. You can perform a dot test. This is a simple test where you have to make a dot on a white paper and placed the diamond on the dot. If you can observe a circular reflection then the stone is not a diamond. Similarly you can do newspaper test, where you have read the letters of the newspaper through the diamond. It is not possible to read letters through a diamond.

These tests are mainly for unmounted diamonds. If your diamond is mounted, then you can perform a fog test. In such test you will have to place the stone in front of your mouth and fog it. If your stone does not get fogged easily then the stone is surely a diamond.

Hope all these will help you out in detecting the true stone from a fake one.

Since then we are discussing on the topic lab-grown diamonds, but do you know how they are grown?

The lab-grown diamonds are developed from the tiny carbon atoms of pre-existing diamonds. Its formation methods are the mirror to the normal diamond formation. Either under extreme pressure or under heat, the diamonds are formed. Only the difference is that they are formed in the laboratory and the real diamonds are mined. In case of coloured cultured diamonds, when small traces of elements are available amid the development period of the diamond, just same as in nature, the coloured diamond is formed.

If you want to distinguish between lab-created diamonds and real diamonds you have to use specialized equipment that can detect the negligible differences in trace elements and crystal growth. Explore the Pros and Cons of Lab Created Diamonds too.

Select your own LAB CREATED DIAMOND you want to make your diamond wedding ring with.

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How To Buy Lab-Created Diamonds in Chicago

Continue reading “Why Are People Liking Lab-Created Diamonds?”

Pros and Cons of Lab Created Diamonds

By admin | September 22, 2017 | Category: Lab Grown Diamonds

Engineered diamonds are usually named as lab grown or lab created diamonds. These lab-grown diamonds are bred in a highly maintained lab environment with the help of various technical step and procedures. However, the suchlike processed diamonds are just replicas of the naturally developed mantled diamonds beneath the earth’s crust. The custom-made diamonds are the same as the innate diamonds by their chemical properties. They are consist of the similar carbon atom present in the natural diamond. Lab diamonds mark their distinction from the inherent diamond only in the procedures they go through. It has ever been a conflict often raised our in mind whether to buy or not a custom-made diamond. Here are pros and cons of custom-made diamonds to get vivid ideas of buying them.


1. Lab-grown diamonds are fewer energy consumers than nature made the diamond. Alongside, they demand less effort what mantled diamonds need for digging them out of the earth’s crust.

2. Price differs. Going with custom-made diamonds save money considerably in contrast of purchasing innate diamonds. You can save at least 10% to 30% of your money in case of buying lab-made diamond rather than acquiring nature based one.

3. Nature based diamonds are often drawn an issue of confliction which is its possibility of being “blood diamond”. On the other hand processed in the lab, diamonds are conflict free. The source or origin of a lab-made diamond is easily recognized.


1. Lab grown diamonds have an affected impact on our economic condition. Due to the opulence in custom-made diamond business, the mining trade has been rolling up its fins. Many mine workers are becoming jobless and as a consequence, the economy of the country has been let down. Poverty occupies the place instead.

2. Although the lab made diamonds are grown through the resembling processes, they are a little insipid and lustreless if compared to the earth mantle grown. As they have to go through the artificial gradual process the glory of natural diamonds are diminished.

3. The x factor or the tradition of natural diamond gets vanished when it is processed through the same steps and chemical properties. The natural diamonds likely to have many histories and memories of the ancient ages and thus carry a traditional factor in them.

Decide which one you would go with. It is your decision and thought and obviously a money matter. Plenty of people are there would support the tradition and that an innate diamond contains and vice versa. If you are not much conscious with the essence of antiquity, you can opt for custom made diamond.

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