10 Unknown Facts About Lab Created Diamonds.

10 Unknown Facts About Lab Created Diamonds.

By Seo Team | May 23, 2018

Most of you beat a retreat, whenever you hear the phrase ‘lab-created diamond’. You feel that the dazzling stones are not the original diamonds, rather they are just an imitation of those. Are you the one among such buyers? If yes, then you must be unaware of the facts related to lab-created diamonds. In this blog, we have come up with 10 exciting unknown facts about these lab-grown diamonds. After going through it, you will realize what a mess you have done on refusing to buy such diamonds.

Are you ready to check out the points? Great! let us have look.

1. Not duplicate diamonds:

Lab-grown diamonds are not at all duplicate diamonds, rather they are 100% identical to mined diamonds. Surprised? You should be. If you are the one who generally avoids taking risks of buying such lab-created diamonds, then you must read this point at least twice. For your sake let us clear this out, that the definition of duplicate diamonds begins with Cubic Zirconia or Moissanite. Such imitations look exactly the same as that of the mined diamonds, but do not possess any characteristics of natural diamonds. Whereas, these lab-grown diamonds possess the same physical as well as chemical composition as that of real mined diamonds. Thus they achieve the same dazzling sparkle and luster.

2. Certified diamonds:

This particular point has been taken up to prove the previous fact. No one, including you, will believe that the diamonds which are formed in the laboratory are 100% identical to the mined diamonds, unless you are provided with a certificate. Well, to ensure all the buyers, these lab-grown diamonds are certified from the GIA labs. This means that the diamonds though formed in the laboratory are completely natural in all respect. Therefore to confirm it, the certificate is provided to every potential buyer along with their purchase.

3. Graded just as mined diamonds:

You will be surprised to know that the Lab-grown diamonds which once you have rejected just by assuming it as imitation stones, are graded by the Gemological labs using the same four C’s that the real mined diamonds use. By the term Gemological labs we mean to refer the International Gemological Insititute, that we have already mentioned in our previous point. These abide by every government rule before disclosure of lab-grown diamonds. Therefore, the same quality graded diamonds with four c’s- colour, carat, cut and clarity can be obtained in lab-grown diamonds.

4. Created under CVD or HPHT process:

You must be knowing that the original mined diamonds are formed under the Earth’s crust under extreme pressure and temperature. The diamonds which are mined today, are formed billions of years ago. Just to maintain the process and make sure that the lab-grown diamonds have all the aspects of natural mined diamonds, these diamonds are created under Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) or High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) process. However, the CVD process is highly appreciated if compared to the HPHT method. Are you excited to know this in details? It is better if you go through our blog that speaks how lab-created diamonds are made.

5. High Tech Miracle:

Have you ever thought that Lab-grown diamonds can be a high tech miracle? Yes, patented processes and proprietary equipments are used to bring out the miracle. No doubt, a diamond seed is used to form such an intimate diamond. Initially a rough diamond crystal grows and eventually the dazzling stone is created having all identical properties. Since real diamond is considered to be the hardest substance, its chemical, electrical, thermal and optical properties are adapted after a whole long process is done.

6. Eco-friendly diamonds:

The Lab-certified diamonds or the New dawn diamonds are considered as the eco-friendly diamonds. You must be thinking – how a diamond can be eco-friendly. Right? Yes, everything is possible if diamonds are lab-created. This is because, lab created diamonds won’t disturb a single amount of earth during its creation. Whereas, to mine natural diamonds a large amount of Earth is been removed. Are you an eco-friendly person? Well, in that case you have missed such an amazing product.

7. Sustainable Resource:

Even though the real diamonds are hardly found in nature, the demand for purchasing diamonds are gradually increasing day by day. Do you think the needs of all the potential buyers are not being fulfilled? The supply of mined diamonds may get reduced, development of huge mines get reduced, but not the needs of people. Such gap is filled by these New Dwan diamonds. As these diamonds are formed in the laboratory, there will be no such case that the resource will decline with time. In fact, these restore the Earth’s natural resources.

8. Everlasting diamonds:

You must have known that diamonds are everlasting. But most of you hesitate to buy these lab grown diamonds as you are not aware of their lifespan. But like natural diamonds, New Dawn diamonds are also termed as eternal diamonds, as their lifespan is for eternity.

9. Guaranteed Origin:

The only difference that lies between natural diamonds and lab-certified diamonds is in their origin. Natural diamonds as you all know are formed naturally under the Earth’s crust, whereas these diamonds are created in the laboratory. Therefore, since you are aware of the fact where these diamonds were born, you can remain sure about their source. You don’t have to hover around. All these will be crafted on the lab certificate.

10. Less-expensive:

Last but not the least, Lab-grown diamonds costs comparatively less than real mined diamonds. Yes, it is not a joke. But you can get your desired diamond at a pocket-friendly rate. This is just because the diamonds are created in the labs and in a mass. Yes, identical mined diamonds at a reasonable rate. Isn’t it amazing? Stop imagining. And reach the destination where you had said ‘no’ to the lab-created diamonds.

Hope these facts have changed your perspective regarding lab-certified diamonds. If this is the case, what are you waiting for? Look for a suitable diamond dealer and check out your wedding ring, engagement ring or any other diamond studded jewelries based on such diamonds.

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